Thursday 13 October 2016

May I come in Madam?

I was late. Gruppled within my lump of clothes, I ran out , contemplating over the elusive perfect excuse to babble as I entered through the doors of the class. 

I half ran and half walked to the class, and stumbled near the corner. I held on to my attention, and waited for the familiar annoying voice to kick me out even before I enter. An irony indeed.

To my surprise, a sweet adorable welcome was applauded. I looked up half confused and half dazzled; she just smiled at me, and her eyes told me to step inside. Carrying that murkish smile, I tried to pull myself in.

It was the Love-At-First-Sight!!!

Her pretty brown eyes, crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as she saw me staring at her, grippled me. Her languid eyelashes of velvet-black blinked slowly once again.

Her curvilinear waist didn’t surprise me as much as the saffron tint to her complexion. Her olive green saree draped around the lows of her waist, barring the midriff while the loose end falls right off her shoulder, adding the oomph to her beauty. Her sharp curves and soft curvature was well enough to electrize me. 

My eyes moved from left to right, and right to left, each time she took a walk across the board. Soon, I found out that her name was Charmi - quite a charming name for a charming lady. Just everything about her accentuated everything else in her. 

I was shaken by my friend. 
She was calling my name, I was supposed to introduce myself. Oh! this was perfect...I started with my name properly, but thereafter muzzled everything else. I could see most of my friends laughing and giggling, but her warm smile kept me going. 

If she was another student, I knew I would have dropped down on my knee and proclaimed my undying love since forever to her. 

She exclaimed, "Great!" I was flying in the sky already, I bet few could even see my golden feathers. I nodded at all her follow up questions and answered to all her exclamatory remarks with my bright and shy smile. 

I tried establishing eye-contact with her again n again and on those several occurrence when that happened, it would linger for a few more seconds and then vanish. Nevertheless, I was restitute for we had those sweet little moments (Isshhh) of our own. 

There then the Bell goes, I really didn’t need an alarm to get up that time, most of me was already! 

In order to get some personal time together, approached her with my some queries, although was clueless what I shall ask. As I reached to her, she stumbled and slipped partially, exposing a little more. I tried to catch her but ended gazing at her with my mouth wide opened.  Earlier, I had came inside half prepared to talk, now I was completely stunned.

I was shoot dead at point blank!!!
That has impressioned my little not so innocent brain to the deepest. :)
She innocently recollected herself and asked me why I came.
I started to babble, instead talking study, I was totally romantic. But corrected my slipping tongue and ate my few words to put my sentence decently across.....
“Thank you Mam, you are awesome, I mean that was awesome." 
"Ok dear, you are always welcomed, anyways it lunch time, we should keep going." 
"I wish ..we could”
"What!!!"   "Nothing, Nothing!"

The next morning, I reached the class early for I wanted to catch the front seat. I was all dressed and suited in my best attire, to impress.  But to my surprise, our regular slobby professor has returned, she was just filling on his behalf.  I couldn’t even get her number!  

Classes were dumb again!!!

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