Saturday 26 November 2016

New year's Vows

In the night, while setting the lights atop my place, half jumbled into the lights, I called her upstairs to help me. What started with an attempt to open the loose end, ended with her sitting more raveled into my mess. As she settles herself next to me, we both burst into laughter after lurking towards each other. For the Help now herself needed Help, lol. The night was all dark, and all still. She leaned and whispered, "If you want me to stop, tell me now" . She reached to me. It was Perfect— a tinge of liquor and sugary Coke on our tongues light up the moment, I mean literally the lights went up.  

The following day, fresh brew of warm sun woke me. She was sleeping like a yearner, while I cuddled her. She half awake, smiled amidst and pulled my tees toward her. I came closer, creased her hairs from her cheeks, kissed her ear. She craved in my arms and rubbed her soft cheeks next to mine, her hands fluttered with my hairs and her legs entangled into mine. As my parted lips met hers, she blossomed like a flower.  

Her dusky smile was getting warmer with every sip of her world-dearer "Brisk-ish-Morning-Tea". Irked from my camera flashes, she threw her pillow at me to woo me away. Exasperated of her, I turned away. Without clasping another breath, she jumped over the bed to me and threw her arms around my neck, with her nose tickling my nose tip. Slowly she leaned, leered into my eyes and kissed me, kissed me again and again. She stole my breath and gave it back again.

The celebration was all apprised with my Evening Gift, a tinned-edged, brown pack, with red glitters and ribbons around it. The cups well tucked in. As she reached the covers, I could see her eyes shining and her face glowing more brighter. There laid pink letters all written in red, with ribbons around each, marking my Seven vows to her. 

  • I will never stop Loving You the way I do today. 
  • No pain will touch you before me.
  •  Will close every fight with a hug and deep Kiss - french wala (your favourite)
  • Irrespective of how harder the tides of time be, We will always be a Team together
  • I will not promise to be always with you, but will be devoted to you with all my heart when with you.
  • No matter what future bring to us, your smile will always be my priority.
  • I promise to keep up my all above seven  six promises.  
I waited her to complete the letters, for I know a kiss was up my way, I was getting ready....One Mississippi....Two Mississippi....Three Mississippi.....Six n there she goes....She almost threw her last letter and jumped over, curled her legs round my waist and muttled my nose with hers. "Isshh....I am so lucky....I love you...." she whispered.  

Though I still sit in this lonely chamber with all my solitude to myself, still I hold those promises upright, nomatter time has aparted us, 
I still love you as I did when I first met you. 
I still tries to engineer all your snags and hitches around. Still, your smile is more dearer to me than mine. In hope to kiss you again, I still vouch for a fight with you. We were a Team when we decide to apart and still am when aparted. Still am holding promises all upright....Still...I am 

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