Saturday 26 November 2016

New year's Vows

In the night, while setting the lights atop my place, half jumbled into the lights, I called her upstairs to help me. What started with an attempt to open the loose end, ended with her sitting more raveled into my mess. As she settles herself next to me, we both burst into laughter after lurking towards each other. For the Help now herself needed Help, lol. The night was all dark, and all still. She leaned and whispered, "If you want me to stop, tell me now" . She reached to me. It was Perfect— a tinge of liquor and sugary Coke on our tongues light up the moment, I mean literally the lights went up.  

The following day, fresh brew of warm sun woke me. She was sleeping like a yearner, while I cuddled her. She half awake, smiled amidst and pulled my tees toward her. I came closer, creased her hairs from her cheeks, kissed her ear. She craved in my arms and rubbed her soft cheeks next to mine, her hands fluttered with my hairs and her legs entangled into mine. As my parted lips met hers, she blossomed like a flower.  

Her dusky smile was getting warmer with every sip of her world-dearer "Brisk-ish-Morning-Tea". Irked from my camera flashes, she threw her pillow at me to woo me away. Exasperated of her, I turned away. Without clasping another breath, she jumped over the bed to me and threw her arms around my neck, with her nose tickling my nose tip. Slowly she leaned, leered into my eyes and kissed me, kissed me again and again. She stole my breath and gave it back again.

The celebration was all apprised with my Evening Gift, a tinned-edged, brown pack, with red glitters and ribbons around it. The cups well tucked in. As she reached the covers, I could see her eyes shining and her face glowing more brighter. There laid pink letters all written in red, with ribbons around each, marking my Seven vows to her. 

  • I will never stop Loving You the way I do today. 
  • No pain will touch you before me.
  •  Will close every fight with a hug and deep Kiss - french wala (your favourite)
  • Irrespective of how harder the tides of time be, We will always be a Team together
  • I will not promise to be always with you, but will be devoted to you with all my heart when with you.
  • No matter what future bring to us, your smile will always be my priority.
  • I promise to keep up my all above seven  six promises.  
I waited her to complete the letters, for I know a kiss was up my way, I was getting ready....One Mississippi....Two Mississippi....Three Mississippi.....Six n there she goes....She almost threw her last letter and jumped over, curled her legs round my waist and muttled my nose with hers. "Isshh....I am so lucky....I love you...." she whispered.  

Though I still sit in this lonely chamber with all my solitude to myself, still I hold those promises upright, nomatter time has aparted us, 
I still love you as I did when I first met you. 
I still tries to engineer all your snags and hitches around. Still, your smile is more dearer to me than mine. In hope to kiss you again, I still vouch for a fight with you. We were a Team when we decide to apart and still am when aparted. Still am holding promises all upright....Still...I am 

Thursday 13 October 2016

May I come in Madam?

I was late. Gruppled within my lump of clothes, I ran out , contemplating over the elusive perfect excuse to babble as I entered through the doors of the class. 

I half ran and half walked to the class, and stumbled near the corner. I held on to my attention, and waited for the familiar annoying voice to kick me out even before I enter. An irony indeed.

To my surprise, a sweet adorable welcome was applauded. I looked up half confused and half dazzled; she just smiled at me, and her eyes told me to step inside. Carrying that murkish smile, I tried to pull myself in.

It was the Love-At-First-Sight!!!

Her pretty brown eyes, crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as she saw me staring at her, grippled me. Her languid eyelashes of velvet-black blinked slowly once again.

Her curvilinear waist didn’t surprise me as much as the saffron tint to her complexion. Her olive green saree draped around the lows of her waist, barring the midriff while the loose end falls right off her shoulder, adding the oomph to her beauty. Her sharp curves and soft curvature was well enough to electrize me. 

My eyes moved from left to right, and right to left, each time she took a walk across the board. Soon, I found out that her name was Charmi - quite a charming name for a charming lady. Just everything about her accentuated everything else in her. 

I was shaken by my friend. 
She was calling my name, I was supposed to introduce myself. Oh! this was perfect...I started with my name properly, but thereafter muzzled everything else. I could see most of my friends laughing and giggling, but her warm smile kept me going. 

If she was another student, I knew I would have dropped down on my knee and proclaimed my undying love since forever to her. 

She exclaimed, "Great!" I was flying in the sky already, I bet few could even see my golden feathers. I nodded at all her follow up questions and answered to all her exclamatory remarks with my bright and shy smile. 

I tried establishing eye-contact with her again n again and on those several occurrence when that happened, it would linger for a few more seconds and then vanish. Nevertheless, I was restitute for we had those sweet little moments (Isshhh) of our own. 

There then the Bell goes, I really didn’t need an alarm to get up that time, most of me was already! 

In order to get some personal time together, approached her with my some queries, although was clueless what I shall ask. As I reached to her, she stumbled and slipped partially, exposing a little more. I tried to catch her but ended gazing at her with my mouth wide opened.  Earlier, I had came inside half prepared to talk, now I was completely stunned.

I was shoot dead at point blank!!!
That has impressioned my little not so innocent brain to the deepest. :)
She innocently recollected herself and asked me why I came.
I started to babble, instead talking study, I was totally romantic. But corrected my slipping tongue and ate my few words to put my sentence decently across.....
“Thank you Mam, you are awesome, I mean that was awesome." 
"Ok dear, you are always welcomed, anyways it lunch time, we should keep going." 
"I wish ..we could”
"What!!!"   "Nothing, Nothing!"

The next morning, I reached the class early for I wanted to catch the front seat. I was all dressed and suited in my best attire, to impress.  But to my surprise, our regular slobby professor has returned, she was just filling on his behalf.  I couldn’t even get her number!  

Classes were dumb again!!!

Acha Chalta Hun!!!

"Bye...." said her last message.

With a heavy sigh, I tried to write off my last draft -

"Kash main sab badal pata"

Instead "Acha Chalta hun..."

How much I wanted to speak to her, how much was filled inside me that I wanted to spill out. How far we have come. Whose silences once use to speak words to me, even hers words seem to curtain her trueself. One whose messages use trolled by thousands of smileys and kissy emojis, now only lasted three full-stops "...".

There must be something really wrong between us.
Otherwise, how is it possible that one who couldn't let one whole day to pass without hearing of me now seems awayed of me. I wanted to tell her how much I am hurt, how much I miss still miss her, how much I search her in my dreams, how much I wanted to ask her if.......

Is that whats all books and poets bragged about. Pain of Love....however the way I am experiencing it is backwards,  Love of Pain; otherwise why would I walk through the same days again again, trying to fix anything that could turn the events into right sequence. What I didn't realised that no right ever exists.

Those long nights, never ending talks, message trolls, and getaways; her warmth, her breath, coziness of her hugs, and peace of lying down along her, with our legs entangled, all remind of her. Three years, it took us to finally fall into love...and only 3 seconds for her to say - bye.

"Hello..." I received in the morning.
An old friend messaged me. I smiled for her message too included those three dots...
A start or end, I left for the day to decide and finally responded to those three dots...
☕ ???"

Saturday 24 September 2016

Date Night

After trying thirteen shirts of my roommate and fifteen tshirts mine aswell, I decided to go with the best of both. Soaked in all possible fragrances that I could get in the building, I started off my date trip.

Date trip starts right from the hallway, where all standing audience might curse you for they are unable to score and you are. While in the bus, all shall stare at you as if you were going nude. You start to feel real uncomfortable seeing aunties jibbering about you looking with crooked eyes to you. Sometimes, the ordeal can even be prolonged by your love mate, by making you wait. People may assume you walking GPS system and keeping annoying asking for addresses and streets.

But finally all that pain paid off, when I saw her.
In her brown, yellow laced kurta, matte lipstick and smoky eyes, she looked like perfect angel. I must have stood with my mouth wide opened gaping towards her for about a minute. When she came close. Hugged my hand. And pushed me to walk along.

Before I could say, she kissed my cheeks and said thank you.
"For what?", I said in complete astonishment.  "For your admiration, you stupid!" she exclaimed politely."But I said nothing?", I drifted. "Yet I heard!"  she exclaimed in confidence and hold me tighter.

At the rooftop, weather was peaceful, sun was dozing off, preparing for the perfect night to rise. Looking at the rosy sky, she laughed and drove me to her attention. "Look at the sky..Its so romantic"
Her flirtatious eyes teasing me the complete evening. She often arched her back and tilt her head down with those big eyes and look with me in a particular way, I go dazzle.....

Gently squirrelled my fingers over hers. She quickly turned around, and squandered her fingers over my eyes, nose and then....lips. I was carried away. I tried reaching to her...pulled her...pecked my nose against hers, tickled her cheeks, neck and curled her at waist. She moved closer. I smogged at her neck. She ached....

She drifted away a little only to come closer more powerfully. She curled her legs around my waist.  hold her up against the wall. The lightest brush of her lips, made my stun. She breathed heavily over mine. In the moment, we shared the same breath for about a few minutes....

She turned red and glowed like never before.

We stood there for a while, trying to catch our breath and senses both. We stood with our heads against each other and then hugged tightly that none could set us apart ever. We stood there like meant to be together, like were one, like we were in love.

"Since I met you, I could only think of only you. I guess I am in love." She drifted apart, as if I had said something awful. Her looks, I remember...My heart sank deep inside....Her eyes seemed unresponsive and confused. She stood stoned.

I adieu goodbye at her cheeks and started towards the door.

But, she stood there.

She stood at her balcony, until I turned  and smile back to her.

And then screamed in loud so that the entire world can hear her answer - "I LOVE YOU!!!"    

Thursday 15 September 2016

Love Vali Feeling

Rain was pouring heavily!!!

Jumping across the water logged passage, we reached the door......Just to know that it was locked inside. I dragged her inside the overhang shed. She trembled with my touch. With a little hesitation she joined in.

Craftly, she shaked her curls around. I almost missed a heartbeat. 
Somehow, I recollected my self. Couldn't resist her sparkling eyes and those rosy moist lips. Inspired by Sharukh's movies, I made the move.....

It was as if, the time, itself has ceased to move. 

We were like Perfect in that moment.

We didn't care for anything more in those few minutes. No rush, No hurry, No worry. Life was perfect for those few minutes.

As soon as I realised the goneby time, I hasled. Bid a 'sweet' goodbye at her cheeks. And ran like crazy in the rain. I was fearless for once, for I was not scared, not scared of her's natives, not scared of world, not scared of her shitty warden, ugly dorm's security guards and definitely not scared of my own self. 

I was in the cab. Slammed the door! Hooted the street!
Nothing can bring my spirits down.
The Phone rang......Hoping to hear her again, I raised my cell. Sighing heavily, still struggling to catch her breath, she replied. I began jibber-jabbing, she only smiled and nodded in concurrence. As always, I only talked and she only smiled in rejoice. Till the early 4'O clock we were hanging to our cellphones. And finally, dozed out, I guess around that time only.....

I wake up with a start, picked up my phone, saw her 15 miss calls....How could I miss those. They were supposed to be my last memories of her voice, now they are gone. That night was our last night together. She was going her hometown that morning. She was getting married.

With tears in my eyes and restlessness in my heart, I punched the wall besides my bed with furry. Kicked the side table, threw away the glass. I didn't realise till that moment how difficult it was to let her go. It seemed quite easy when Salman performed at silver screen, but damn hurts in real. Now she is gone and I even cant say how much I loved her. I didn't even get the chance to say Goodbye properly. How careless of me, probably thats why I lost her. Probably, thats why she is gone.

One Message Received
"Good Bye.....<3"  

Oh yea....they existed

Hail Hitler!!!

A dress to impress->

Will You Be My Valentine!!!

Love is in the air

Tale of a blind guy

Story of a teenager

Fashion Fiesta

Ayodhya- War Of Prestige

Cracking Locks

Beer Pour


1984-Book review

Who are more corrupt?